Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Co-pilot

One little seat, so many meanings:

  • Happy kid
  • Makes you too cool to smile for your mom's camera opp.
  • On-job training
  • Easiest babysitting gig in the world for a Grandpa.
  • Your parents can be out doing other things, like working.  Or drinking.
  • Early foreman experience, bossing the driver around.
  • High entertainment factor
  • Less wear and tear on shoes, which are likely 2nd hand and already have preliminary wear and tear.
  • Better supervision of the Grandpa.
  • Satisfies necessary outdoor-time quota without getting dirty.  
  • Guaranteed crying when it's over.
Stay tuned for similar riding lawnmower set-up.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday Morning

 My training grounds.
 My running partner.
The big blue eyes in my face when I get back, wondering why I interrupted the morning routine.

On Sunday mornings, while my Washingtonians back home, and I suppose some people here are still tucked in their beds asleep, I get up early and go for the long run.  Running in the woods allows for a certain calm you can't get anywhere else.  No traffic, or people gawking as they drive by, or horns honking. No pavement pounding away at the joints.  Just a dirt road stretched out for far longer than I could ever go on foot.  I do have concerns over being attacked by some crazed bear or wolf, but I'm told not to worry about it because it just isn't likely. They just tell me "whatever you do, don't run".........sort of too late for that! Andrew, the dog, always comes with me.  He runs at least twice what I do, chasing birds and sniffing around  in the woods.  He poops about every 10 minutes, so I can gauge my mileage by it.  So helpful, right?  The long run takes at least an hour, so I have plenty of time to think about our future, my life, my momma.  For a few miles I listen to some Jesus music and pray for those things.  This quiet morning time is essentially my Angle church. I can never replace my church in Wenatchee, (Grace Covenant--go there, love it, feel it, feel better.)  but I have found this to be the next best thing.  Sunday runs out here are good for the body, but they're even better for the spirit.

**While we were away my handsome husband had a birthday.  I love this man for more reasons that I have time to write about here.  He is funny, kind, patient (although his brother disagrees with that!), hardworking, reasonable and a must-have in my life.  We have had 2 beautiful babies and 5 years of marriage together.  We've made huge life decisions, including this move to the Angle and we have always been happy with the outcome.  He makes me feel safe, secure and loved.  Happy birthday to my favorite person on the planet.  I love you.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Trip Home

I have 2 apologies to make today.  First I went away for 2 weeks and didn't write a single blog or say where I had gone to.  It crossed my mind last week and I thought about hopping on a computer and updating my whereabouts.  I did not do this and  later heard there were disgruntled people out there who needed some reading material.  I'm sorry for the hiatus and can explain!  But it does feel nice to know someone noticed my absence.  Everyone needs a little boost like that sometimes.  My second apology is that I took a little trip and didn't get half the photos I should have.  We were so busy that the camera was forgotten about and I didn't even get a single picture of my mother or half the people we saw. For these things, I apologize and promise to do better in the future.
So on with the update!  Last Tuesday Rick and I decided we should take a quick trip back to Washington to see our loved ones.  After Tyson made some calls and checked his social calendar, he agreed it was time to go.  This was a surprise trip for my mother, hence the missing blog about being gone!  She is a smart lady and I didn't want to even say we were taking a short trip somewhere in case she would clue in.  When we arrived in Cashmere at her house, she was rendered speechless and the 24 hours of driving and slight mayhem were more than worth the look on her face.  The next 4 days were a whirlwind of activity, trying to fit in as many people as we could. ( I know I missed some and I'm really sorry!)  It was a great visit back home and I feel at peace in my heart, having some hugs and quality time with people I haven't seen in a long time and that I miss so dearly.  Here are the few pictures I took along the way.
First stop, flat tire in North Dakota.  Rick worked on the tire while I kept the children under control. ( I actually fed Andie in the field next to the road.  And yes I mean breastfed, cars and tractors passing by,while standing in a field of some unknown crop.)
Rick had the tire changed out in about 45 minutes.  And we were off again.

Andie claiming her hotel bed and standing her ground about it.
Tyson the luggage technician.  Look at the mountains in the background!  How I missed them.
Breakfast at Uncle George and Lauren's house.  Tyson used to go to their house every Monday and they always ate oatmeal with cranberries.  He had a very content look on his face this first morning home.
Tyson and Uncle George having a jam session.  They sang a song about a bird and one about a train.  Our son has some musical talent!
A park in Cashmere.
Some rock-climbing.
2 of my favorite girlfriends, Stacey and Amy, and our gaggle of kids.
Some pool time in Bismarck.
Action shot!

The drive from here to Wenatchee Washington is 24 hours.  These 2 little kids were so good, you wouldn't believe it unless you were there.  Not a peep out of either one, unless Andie was getting hungry.  She even popped out 2 little teeth on the trip and had minimal fuss over that.  Between Rick and I we have done something right in our lives to deserve such great kids.  We're not sure yet what it was we did so right, but it we'd do it again in a heartbeat!
We're back home now and glad to see our little house again.  Glad to be out of traffic and hotels.  Glad to have seen everyone back home, even though it wasn't enough time--though I don't think any amount of time would be.  Miss you all already.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Air Boat

This is the ice melting off the marina. This afternoon the men are working on that crooked dock problem. Tyson and I worked in the campground this morning, trimming some small trees and sweeping out the gazebo. Traffic was buzzing all around on the road and at Jerry's. The ice has melted off the lake! People started bringing their boats in last night. So now the island captives can come to the mainland and the mainland dwellers can get out to their island houses. I heard there were some tense married people coming in from the islands. Is 3 weeks in seclusion a tad too long for marital bonding and bliss?

So on my last post I said that maybe I should go and conjure up some excitement. Literally 5 minutes after typing it, the excitement found me! Big Rick arranged for me to go on an airboat ride. I've never seen one up close before, only on TV. I have been hearing them coming across the lake though as they are pretty loud. On Wednesday, the ice was still too thin to drive on, but still present enough that you couldn't get a regular fishing boat across. The air boat can drive on both. The driver of the boat is Art, he lives out on one of the islands. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know that I write a blog and was a little puzzled at me snapping pictures of him all over the place. Say "cheese!" Art!

The driver's seat with the propeller behind it.

This is a shot from my seat, right in front of where Art sat, heading out from our dock. Strange to look at it and think that only 3 weeks or so ago it was covered in ice. The lake has been frozen almost the whole time we've been here, so I'm more used to it that way. It wasn't long ago we were walking across it for the snowmobile rally.

This is out near some islands and the first break in the ice. The island straight ahead is Canada and where Art lives.

The colors are absolutely beautiful up close. I was worried the pictures wouldn't do it any justice, but it's pretty close. It got chilly out this far on the lake and surrounded by ice. I tried not to let Art see me shivering. Taking pictures like a crazed tourist AND under-dressed? I can't embarass the family to such an extent. It was fun to drive off the ice into the water, like a little mini log ride at an amusement park. On the way back home we stayed closer to the shore and it was warmer.

Look closely and you can see a deer climbing up the bank--just up and to the right from the big green bush near the rocks. There were 4, but only one visible at all in this picture. There were geese taking off and the usual bald eagle flying over head. These things continue to awe me. I hope the novelty of this place never wears off for me.
Rick took our picture as we were coming back in. Tyson was riding on the tractor with Big Rick. I thought he would be impressed with me riding on the big loud boat. (I was impressed!) But he found his tractor more exciting. I'm pretty sure he would have been beside himself if his father had been on the air boat. Little traitor.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring...or is it?

The lovely weather that came last month was just a tease. It has snowed since then and we've had more rain and wind. My capri pants were whirling around in the washing machine as the snow started to fall. The 73 degrees on St. Patrick's Day was nothing more than a dirty little joke. This morning when I got up it was 22 degrees. Sigh.
It is the off season now. The ice is melting off the lake and there is no traffic on it. No cars or boats. People who live on the islands either stay somewhere on the mainland or are tucked away on the islands until the ice is gone and a boat can get across the water. It's quiet here at the Angle with no more snowmobiles zooming around. We won't have guests until mid May. The ice has melted off in the marina. Tyson and I have been going out on the docks to watch the fish and bugs swim around in the water. We're seeing more deer now too. Soon we'll finish up the spring cleaning and the repairs the resort needs to welcome the summer crowd.
Right now I'm basically a stay-at-home mom and I couldn't be more happy about it. I get to see Andie do all the things that I missed with Tyson while I was at work. I have time to snuggle her up when she needs it. Tyson is growing up so fast it makes my heart hurt. He has moved into a his "big boy" bed and we are conquering the potty training. He has such a sensitive little heart and the big blue eyes to match. I thank God for this time I have with them. It won't last long and I'll never get it back. If I never settle into this life or find it rewarding like I hope to, I will know it was worth it to be with them.
I don't believe in a blog without pictures. But I haven't been up to anything terribly exciting or newsworthy. So here is a collection of randoms for you.

Disturbing view from a mounted fish mouth. Take my advice, just look at it from afar. No need to look in the mouth.

The story of the Angle the last couple weeks. MUD. Tyson was averaging 3 pairs of pants a day. This kid can't resist a puddle.

Morning kid snuggles.

Vegetable Art by Tyson.


As long as you wear a John Deer hat and shirt to the tea party, you are still manly.

**I hope to have something of importance to report soon! I may have to make my own excitement.