Yesterday we started "Spring Cleaning" the cabins. It was 1 degree when we went to work. That is a hell of a spring if you ask me. I'm finally earning my keep around here...or attempting to anyway. We have guests coming next week so this week provides the only break big enough to do an extensive cleaning. As the new girl, I'm asking a lot of questions. These people know thier stuff and I know nothing. I come from a desk job, I can't really bring my computer or phone skills along with me. They are talking in languages I don't know sometimes, this type of wood does this and this cleaner has this effect on that. I think they humor me in the questions I ask, but that's better than me ruining something because I didn't know it needed distilled water in it. The upside of me giving a poor performance in the cabins is that I'm related by law and they can't get rid of me even if they want to. The downside is that it will likely come up at family dinner later in the week if I do something dumb and they'll all get a good laugh at me.

So have you seen this little dream steamer? I think I got special treatment in being able to use it the first day. Seniority and all that, you'd think they would start me out with a toothbrush and some baking soda. This little gem is used on anything that resembles a crevice or hard to clean surface and makes your life a whole lot better. It cleans the places you can't reach. And let me brag on this resort for just one line--THIS PLACE IS CLEAN. When you come to visit and stay in a cabin, you can rest assured it is cleaner than my house has ever dreamed of being.

As I was scrubbing toilets, the boy was outside with our nephew Lane who is 14. Tyson has had the time of his life, sledding and playing. This picture is him going off a jump from the dock in the sled. Lane is very good with kids and a huge help in entertaining them while we work.

This is Lane pulling Tyson by sled around the marina. Tyson even hurt his bum on one of the jumps, but couldn't be persuaded that it was worth going inside.

Meanwhile, Andie Joy was not a whole lot of help in the cabins. Lazy little baby.

She did wake up to coo and give some opinions here and there. She is rolling onto her side now, very exciting!

This is the kids with Big Rick and Pat, my in-laws and the whole brains and labor behind this resort. (Pat is being non-compliant with my picture taking and hiding behind the baby. She will force me to catch her in an action shot when she doesn't know it's coming. Also, no one calls him Big Rick, that is just me. They call my husband Richard Alan or Al and I cannot bring myself to do that. So for the sake of readers here, he will be called Big Rick, the patriarch!) They have built this place from the ground up, literally. There was no road to get here, they rode a 3-wheeler in to work on it. They had a truck with a hole in the floorboard that splashed the passenger everytime they hit a mud puddle. Times were tough and they made it happen, little by little. No time in my life will ever know the struggles and decision making they have been through. But look at them now, a lovely resort that is thriving in hard times and providing for a family of 10. To be with my children all day and see Tyson out the window while I work is worth more than I can say. These 2 people have provided me with a life that most only imagine and I love them for that, but also for being kind and generous and acting like it is just what you do for your family without thinking twice. If I ever take this for granted, somebody kick me in the neck.
I should also say that the family of 10 includes Rick's brother Brian and his wife, Jenny. They have a 2 year-old daughter, Ava and a week old baby, Bridger. I don't have pictures of them yet, but you will hear plenty about them. They are also an intricate part of the life here.
**After the big workday, we had Rick's parents and Lane over for dinner. Half way through, Tyson lifted up his sippy cup and said, "This my beer."
Thank you Uncle George, Thank you so much.
Love the updates and the pics!! I am so glad you are happy - life looks lovely there.
ReplyDeleteLoving the updates. Never worry about ruining something as you are cleaning it...my first year working there, I blew up an oven, a fridge, a fan, a coffee maker, AND all of the electricity for the whole resort. I pretty much "broke" Rick and Patti in. Looking back, I wonder what they were thinking asking me back for a second year....
ReplyDeletePS. An added benefit: after breaking many things, anytime you need something fixed, just wander around with the electric screwdriver in front of big Rick and say vague things like, "I bet this will do the trick.". As you know, BRick has the patience of a saint and will either walk you through it in baby steps, or relieve you of the drill and do the dirty work for you.
HAHA That does sound like something George would leave with your little son. I'm sure I asked a zillion questions and did some stupid things... It didn't help that Brian was always playing jokes on me! Janie was a pro when I was there and she helped so much. Have a wonderful week!
ReplyDeleteThis is probably not good blog etiquette to comment to another commenter, but Kaleena, it was so fun to hear from you! Kaleena, you don' t give yourself enough credit, you were wonderful. Based on Lisa's writings and knowing you, they must grow good women out in WA (or at least ones who adapt well to the Angle:)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, Lane is 14!?!?! As stated in another post, I started working at the Angle in high school, and my first summer there was because Rick and Pat had Lane for the whole summer, and they asked my mom if I would be interested in coming to babysit/work in the store and cabins. He was 5 then! I have not seen him in a long time.
ReplyDeleteHi! Glad to "meet" you and look forward to meeting you in person. It's fun to see who reads this rambling mess of mine!
DeleteThis is probably not excellent weblog manners to opinion to another commenter, but Kaleena, it was so fun to listen to from you! Kaleena, you don' t allow yourself enough credit score, you were amazing. Depending on Lisa's documents and understanding you
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