I was looking through our photos and I realized that every file includes at least one picture of Tyson on a machine or something with wheels, either driving it or sitting in the driver's seat wishing he was driving it. It's as if God designed this place just for him. What more could he ask for than 10 different ways to get from here to there?
Sometimes your ride needs some work. I'm sure there is a joke in here about how many men it takes to fix a jeep, but I'll leave it alone for now.
My favorite part about this picture is Big Rick in the background. It looks like he's reading the instruction manual while Tyson is about to take off on the lawn mower.
This is a double-whammy. Cousin Lane and a motorcycle. 2 favorite things in one.
Here he is concentrating so hard on driving the boat that he isn't even looking where he's going.
Little guy. Big machine.
There are times when your dad is the motor.
And then there are the times with no machine in sight so you just have to crawl through a stack of tires to feel like you're getting somewhere.
Where he is driving the boat reminds me of how he runs or used to run...always looking backwards. So cute!