The Store is basically the hub of the resort. It's where guests check in, gas is sold, there's a table to eat meals and people come to socialize. Big Rick always works the morning shift. ALWAYS. The rest of us work afternoon and evening shifts. I am just getting trained in working in the store. Last night was my third time working alone. I have Brian on speed dial and call or text him constantly with questions. He is the most patient and kind person out of all of us. He won't tell me I'm irritating or lacking intelligence. He'll probably just tell his wife later when he gets home. There are a lot of questions people have in the's the fishing, where are the fish. I find these answers obvious, but people continue to ask. There was no way to be fully aware of everything there is to know, so I just jumped in and started working my own shifts. Most guests already know how it all works and tell me what to do.
View of the store from the channel. It has a lovely wrap-around deck that is mostly used by Tyson and Ava to run like mad and scare their parents.
The McKeever men in the store. Looking out the window takes up a lot of time because there is usually something going on outside. From the front door you can see the boat launch, Jerry's, the fish house and Cabin 3. The main points of excitement.
We've got food items, fishing gear, bait, clothing, maps, Immodium AD--blah blah blah. All the basics.
Of course Tyson is seen running through every picture.
Rick tending to the minnow tank and Brian in deep concentration. The minnow tank has become Rick's project and he checks on it daily to make sure the temperature is right and I think there are some chemicals involved. We sell minnows by the dozen and then they head out to meet their death in the lake. Interesting fact: you can't take live bait across the border so the minnows have to be dead before they get to Canada. I won't say how that death occurs as we don't need a bunch of picketing going on outside our store by people protesting the death of minnows. I will tell you it involves a carbonated beverage that I drank while pregnant to calm my morning sickness.
This end of the store looks out over the lake. It is serene and especially nice to look at in the evening.
So I have a couple of old photo albums in my possession that belong to Pat and Big Rick. Here is Pat, some years back talking on the phone in the store. You can see some stuff has changed, mainly her hair-do. It looks different in every picture ever taken and I'm not always sure if it is her in the picture. So unpredictable, this woman.
Here she is fraternizing with some guests. I believe that is Brian beside her. Chatting is 80% of the work in the store. People come down just to shoot the poo and see who else is in there. Again, Pat has different hair.
I'm guessing this photo is from the late 70's or 80's maybe? I love the expression of each of their faces because I've seen it a few times since living here. You know the face, the one you give your spouse when you know they are not understanding what you are saying. Or when they were supposed to do something and didn't. I think I'll have this blown up and framed for Big Rick, help keep him in line. When he has the urge to misbehave, he can look at the picture and be set straight.