Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Ultimate Reverse Bucket List Item

I have debated over this post for almost one month.  I had nearly decided not to talk about it at all, but it is fun news and I thought you all would want to know about it.  I have taken a bit of a beating from a few folks at the Angle over it and sometimes I've wished it had never happened.  But it did, it was fun and has the potential for tons more fun---so here we go.  WARNING: THIS IS A LONG STORY.

A couple months ago while I was working at Jerry's, a film crew came in.  They are from Warm Springs Productions in Montana and had been sent out by the History Channel to find interesting stories on people from somewhere in the "Great White North".  After some research, they stumbled onto the Northwest Angle and decided to check it out.  They were interviewing a few people at Jerry's and someone suggested they should talk to me since I was the new girl in town and have documented my experience on the blog. ( Now if you remember, there was a film crew that came through here before. Luckily they had no interest in me and this was good because I had no interest in being interviewed or seeing myself on TV.  But the downfall to being me is that I am easily persuaded and feel guilty if someone asks me to do something and I don't do it.) So before I had time to really process it, I was sitting in front of the camera with a microphone on my shirt and talking away, voice shaky and stuttering along.  I spent some time with the film crew that night and really enjoyed them.  (You can check out their website warmspringsproductions.com    They have been involved in shows such as Duck Dynasty and Mountain Men.  They do a lot on the outdoor channel and have some stuff related to the NRA.  One of the guys involved also does a very funny show called "Jimmy BigTime", you can check it out on YouTube.)  A few weeks later they contacted us to say that they were coming back with a show idea in mind and wanted Rick and I to be in it. ** EEK!**  Was my first thought.  My second thought was that I am the least interesting person on the face of the earth, not to mention boring at times and obnoxious at others.  I said I didn't think I would do it and told Rick there was NO WAY I would do it.  Once again my defiance was tested and I caved and said I would talk more with them.  I battled this in my mind for days and Rick and I had many discussions about it.  We researched their company and talked with Shera, our contact person at Warm Springs.  There were so many things to consider about this.  Will we look like idiots, will they make the Angle out to be something it isn't, do we want our lives invaded by cameras etc.  I was thinking of every little aspect that could go wrong. (I am a horrible worrier, what a nice gift.I can actually worry a thing right to death.) I also considered all the great things about it. This is a huge opportunity to advertise our little village which is supported by tourism.  People staying in our cabins puts food on our table and clothes on our backs.  This seemed like a no-brainer to me and the most important point. Plus, my friends back home would be so excited to see actual footage of my homeland. We spoke more with Shera and had our questions answered and felt more at ease about it all.  Their vision for the show is to portray what a unique area this is and how out of the ordinary things happen on a daily basis.  It is not entirely a reality show, meaning you won't have cameras following people around recording every little detail of their lives.  The show will be based on the more humorous side of the Angle and the crazy things that happen here and have happened in the past.  They are bringing in 3 of their own guys who will learn a trade on camera, being trained by people from the Angle.  For whatever reason, they like my writing and would like each show to end with a recap from the blog about the events that were just seen. They like that I have no clue about life up here and that I am still learning.  They like that I still know this life is not normal and can see the newcomer's perspective.  They like that I had a life in the real world and packed up my family and moved to something that was so opposite of what I knew and had ever imagined.  Rick and I felt the pros outweighed the cons and we felt like the intentions of this company were trustworthy and good in nature.  They spent a week at the Angle with a crew of 11 (I think??) and took endless footage of activity and interviews.  My part included being outdoors with the kids, cleaning a cabin, and some blogging for the most part.  The only day I took any pictures was a pick-up hockey game that took place outside of Sunset Lodge, where the show will be stationed--if it gets picked up by a network.  Remember:  this is all just a proposal and may never see the light of day.
There were 3 teams of guys at the hockey game.  Including 2 dogs, one who stole the puck and took it out into a snow drift.  It was hilarious and very picture perfect of the Angle.  The red truck in the background had a camera man in it and he was filming the wide shots.  Then there were a couple cameras right in the thick of the game.
One of the funniest parts was a group of 3 guys from Iowa who happened to stop in at Sunset for a beer and were asked to play and said yes.  They were hysterical and rowdy and rounded out the game in a great way.
My husband played as well, his first hockey game since living here, which is way overdue.  The weather did not do nice things to the ice in the days leading up to the game, so they weren't able to wear skates and had to run around in boots.  We were thinking this was a bummer, but it added to the circus of events and was actually better I think.  They spent half the time piled up in heaps in front of the goals.
This was a fun group of people and I got to spend time with a couple guys that I haven't talked to before.  Rick's Aunt Kathy was there also.  She is a fun lady with a lot of history on life at the Angle.
Tyson was out with his hockey stick ready to play should they need him.  Here he is sitting beside a crack in the road which went down a few feet.  These are things I don't think about lest I have a panic attack about the ice cracking and my son falling through.  A car can drive right over it and be fine, so I have to remind myself of that......repeatedly.

The footage they have from that week is being made into a "Sizzle Reel" which is what they pitch to the network for the show idea.  The chances of it getting produced are so low.  Just think of all the reality shows out there already.  It will be May before this Sizzle Reel is even done, so no news until at least the summer.  The show would take place in the winter and showcase ice fishing and other winter time activity.

We had a great time working with Warm Springs and spending time with them.  Enough that I could not say no to Shera and felt like I would be letting down a friend.  Could this bite me in the butt and make me look like a jerk?  Sure.  But it was fun and entertaining. You're not going to see the private parts of our lives or learn the greatest kept secrets of the Northwest Angle. Just the highlights and silly people who inhabit it.

 I have taken a bit of crap from people I considered friends that didn't know the facts or care to ask.  I am not out to showboat and act like I am a great Angler and full of knowledge about this area.  That is the whole point of me being on the show. My interview talks about how I hate the cold and don't go out for days at a time. Yes I am shy and tend to stay out of the way of a lot of things.  This is me stepping out of the box and doing something new.  There were even some harsh words aimed about the blog.  I do not even care about this as reading it is voluntary and it is meant for people who love me and want to stay caught up on my life. I am hundreds of miles away from people I love and it warms my heart that they like the blog, it is written for them. Perhaps those who have such a problem with it could start their own blog on how much they hate mine and express their hatred that way.  It's disappointing to me that a venture such as this has to be turned into something ugly and used to attack my character.  Especially since my door is always open and I would be willing to explain these things.  But such is life.  A great opportunity presented itself and I don't want  to let those things pass by.  It took guts to move here, it takes a certain amount of guts and prayer to live here, and it took guts for me to agree to this potential show.  Is that so wrong?

 I will keep you all posted as things move along.  If it doesn't happen that would be just fine. I love a life less complicated.  But just think about the blog coming to life right in your living room each week!  How cool is that?!

**I know I have left out details that would make this story make more sense.  Please fire away with questions that would make it more clear.  None of us wants this post to be any longer and I am tired of writing at this point!  I also apologize for the rant on the complaints against me.  But it is a part of this story line and a part of living in a community of this size. I am an open book and you are the victims of the overflow. 


  1. Funsies! Took me awhile to realize it was not "big" Rick that was creating a "sizzle reel" with you (hmm, that sounded perverse:(). Anyhow, congrats and good luck. It is a combo of some of my favorite things: the Angle, the McKeevers, and reality tv (yes, I know you said there would be no cameras following you, but in the version in my head it's a bit more real housewives).

  2. As one of the people who miss you terribly, I am so thankful for your blog. When you were thinking about not writing it, I was disappointed. Your quick wit always makes me giggle, and hearing your voice come through in your writing makes it seem that you are not so far away. As for the show...I hope it gets picked up so I can see the life you lead up there. Duck Dynasty is my favorite show. It is so well done and you can feel the love of family and The Lord with everything they do (well almost everything). It warms my heart to know that this same company has been involved in that show. Crossing my fingers for the best possible outcome to come your way. This is awesome!

  3. Remember there are lots of people you love you dearly in this little community! The ones who are not supportive of this opportunity just haven't taken the time to get the facts or are jealous because it doesn't involve them. It would be a great draw to the area, and needing a passport to get here would keep the riff raff out like some people are worried about. Hold your head high and continue to pray for the outcome to be God's Will!

    One of the many who love you dearly,

  4. FYI, after many failed attempts at posting a comment from my iPhone, I discovered that this blog will not accept comments from an iPhone and I believe not from an iPad either. I had to go to my laptop and it worked like a charm. I know Lisa appreciates comments so I thought I'd throw that out there.

  5. I post from my IPad Bonny, but there were a few months there where it wouldn't let me. I never did figure out why. :)

  6. Lisa please do not stop your blog. I check every week and enjoy it so much. It always seems to make me giggle. It also reminds me of your mom which always brings a smile to my face. The show would be great as we would all get to see how you guys are doing.

  7. You've got my support Lisa. Your perspective of the NW Angle warms my heart. Thanks for being so honest and open hearted.

  8. I love the idea!
    Isn't it funny how "The squeeky wheel get's the grease" as my dad would say. Those who complain get the attention.
    As Bonny said, Hold your head high!
    You have my vote!
    Pam Howell

