Friday, June 14, 2013

For Stacey, Per Your Request

I am late on blogging and had a conversation about it with a good friend on Facebook. So I'm pasting in on as a blog post because I'm a big fat cheater-face. It went like this: ********Stacey Kerns: i know you are busy, but it is time for a blog update. do it. i miss you *********Lisa McKeever: I know, I'm sorry. I just sat here staring at a blank page for 45 minutes and just can't come up with anything. We've been working so much I don't have the time to write or subject matter to write about. I can tell you I sent an email to the production company of the TV show and backed out of that. I have decided not to do it, for a lot of reasons that I won't go into here. I've been painting our house, fence and deck when I get the chance. And of course cleaning cabin after cabin after cabin. Oh desk job--I don't miss you one iota, but I do think of you fondly when I am scrubbing some man's puke off the side of a toilet. 10 hours ago · Like · 3.. *********Stacey Langum Kerns: That was totally a mini blog post. I feel better already. I still miss you, though. 10 hours ago via mobile · Like..


  1. Ooookkkkk, well now I'll have a mini conversation on fb and you can post it here too. ;) Sybil

  2. I didn't realize it was that easy to guilt-trip you into blogging. Noted. Don't try it on me, because I will just say 3 KIDS UNDER 5 and use it as my blanket excuse for everything.
    Good to know you're alive and keeping the Angle clean!

  3. PS I think your next blog update should be pictures of the house. You don't even need to write words. Just give us some pictures of your new digs and your kids. And you. And Rick. Then I'll have a nice visual of where I'll be enjoying happy hour next August when I visit.
