Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Parents Are Here!

After two and a half days of driving, my parents arrived at the Angle. They now know what it means to be in the middle of nowhere. As each day passes with them here, I'm reminded how far out we really are. There isn't much for entertaining our guests in the winter months unless we want to icefish and drink. I gave them a tour of our little community on the first day and after 20 minutes that was done and we were left with nothing to do but play with the kids. This was the whole point of thier trip, so we've met that goal 8 times over already.

My mom dressed in my dad's bibs and hat, looking like a teenage ruffian. She didn't run around like this. She only wore this get-up to walk from our house to the cabin they are sleeping in.

Andie took to them right away and is acting like her usual coo'ing laid-back self. You can probably guess they don't like her at all. :)

The raucous games of patty-cake started right away. I'm not sure who is more entertained.

This is the best I could get for a group shot. Trying to get everyone together and smiling is a skill that takes practice and fast cat-like movements. Tyson is potty training and the only way we have success is if he is naked below the equator. We'll try to keep it PG. Needless to say, his bare bottom has graced every surface of my brand-new home.

We had a fish-fry at Big Rick's with Brian and Jenny. My mom is running to get out of the picture. She moves pretty quick for a sick lady when the cameras come out.

Tyson and Grandpa Bill taking a walk through the campground. We were worried Tyson would be shy when my parents arrived, not having seen them in over 3 months. When they pulled up, he was in the window grinning ear to ear. As if they wouldnt' have given him the moon before, that greeting pretty much sealed the deal.

Some coloring to pass the time. Today we took them out on the lake for a drive on the ice road and lunch at Sportsmans. (The iceroad makes me sick to my stomach and zaps my appetite. I'm thinking this may be a good diet option for losing baby weight.) It's fun to play tour guide and show them my new digs. They are here for a few more days, so there will probably be more of the same going on. Lots of time together and being entertained by the kids. But I'll have my camera ready should anything document worthy occur.

I continue on my quest for a good picture of the kids together. That perfect picture still eludes me, like Bigfoot or jeans that fit just right. They are always in pajama's as they are slower in the morning and I'm more likely to get them to sit still. One day, one momentous day, when the stars are aligned---they will both be smiling, looking at the camera, eyes open and I will capture it. Oh yes, victory will be mine and I will mail each and everyone of you a copy of that perfect picture.

Does that face say "ARE YOU DONE YET?" or is it me?


  1. Ver fun. Have a great time with your parents!

  2. Love the picture of your Mom playing patty-cake with Andie. It sure will be hard to let her go back home :(

  3. The pics of Tyson naked coloring are hysterical - they way he is sitting there cracks me up!
