Wednesday, November 14, 2012


We did a  few fun things for Halloween this year, the first time we've done anything since having kids. The first was a costume party at the one-room schoolhouse.  The students made invitations and included all the little kids in their party. Lots of great snacks and some fun games.

Here they are posing for the group photo.  This is a cropped version since  I don't know the parents of 2 girls in the picture, I better not post their little faces on the internet.  The hunter and the pirate shall remain nameless as well, just in case.  But the monkey and the fire chief are mine, and I give permission.
There were quite a few games at the party.  This is Musical Chairs.  A concept that Tyson can't quite grasp, as you can see him sitting in a chair that has already been taken out of the circle.  This didn't happen just one time, but repeatedly.  He hits his head a lot, what can I say.
Trick or Treating at the Angle is bountiful, to say the least.  We only went to 5 houses, but we came home with about 10 pounds of candy.  Since it's a small community some treats were very personalized.  Susan gave Andie some animal crackers since she can't have candy.  Grammy Nancy gave her a sweet little stuffed monkey for the same reason.  So thoughtful.   The picture is the 4 cousins at Al & Linnea's house while making the rounds.  This is a fun house for all to T or T.  The kids got hoards of candy, while the Mommies and Daddies got whiskey drinks.  TREAT!

And last stop of the night is the bar, naturally.  Jerry loves the kids and always has gifts for them.  So we would never leave him out of the fun.  That's Michelle doing the honors of handing out the goods.
Andie just went straight to the ATM machine (on the right)  for her T or T.  Smart little baby.  If you can't eat candy, might as well have cash.
Nikki, me and Bonny at the Monster Mash 5K Dash in Warroad.  We won 2nd place as a group for our costumes.  There were only about 25 other super heroes there.  But we arrived before the rest and got a jump on impressing the judges. It was a brisk 23 degrees or so that morning.  All the more encouraging to run fast.  Wearing a tutu also gives you a little extra pizzazz and hop to your step.
Nikki took first place in our age group (no surprise), but adding to the excitement, I took 2nd behind her and Bonny took 3rd in her age bracket.  We had quite a celebration when they announced the medal winners.  Apparently we also caused a little ruckus at US customs when we came in that morning because we were in "disguise" and Bonny has a new car, so we had no real license plate number.  Alarms were going off and officers were preparing for trouble, we could see them all standing up as we pulled in to the booth. Although we thought they were just checking out the crazy people dressed as the Justice League. Luckily we knew the agent checking us in and all officers were told to stand down.  Just another day in the life of your average Angle women.

Addition to the Reverse Bucket List:
1.  Breastfeed a baby while icefishing.
2.  Attend a Tupperware party in a bar on a Friday afternoon.
3.  Watch the sunrise over the lake that I live on.

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