Monday, November 26, 2012

November Updates

Happy Holiday Season!  It's hard to believe we are entering another winter of freezing temperatures ALREADY.  Didn't we just kick off the summer?  What happened to August and September?
This was the snow level on Thanksgiving.  We have a couple more inches now and it is currently snowing.  It's 10 degrees outside and the overnight low was -8.  I am officially a shut-in now.  I have no need to feel -8 degrees.  Our next cabin reservations are in December for ice fishing.  While November has been an easy month of doing what we want all day....ABC's, the Hokey Pokey, playing outside when the sun comes out.....I'll be forced to leave the house and clean some cabins.  It's good to have guests.  This will be my mantra as I psyche myself up to get out the door.  It's good to have guests!  It's good to have guests!

This is Andie playing in the first snow.  Literally, this is all she did.  She doesn't know she is able to walk in the snow and pretty much stands in one place waiting to be picked up.  I suppose the 10 pounds of warm clothes may feel a bit constricting.  But it's so cute!
Deer season came and went.  We had to wear orange vests when we were out running to avoid being shot.  Rick actually took 2 whole days off to hunt.  He enjoys being able to go hunting right out in the back yard.   I've been asked if I will be hunting sometime soon.  Answer: No.  Nope.  No way.
We had a great Thanksgiving!  Nikki organized a Turkey Trot in the morning.  I can't remember the temperature, but it was below freezing and there was a slight breeze.  Little chilly, but we had fun.
Runners on the road, and the walkers are up toward the left.  We went to Big Rick's in the afternoon for Thanksgiving dinner.  We had a nice gathering of family and friends.  Lots of laughs and good food.
The new cabin is coming right along.  It has a partial roof now too.  But it may be awhile before you see it on the blog since I'd have to go outside to take a picture.  That is a level of dedication I cannot commit to at this time.

Tyson watching for pirates.  It's a concern and he has taken on the task of watchman.
Before the snow when Andie was able to motor around in her winter garb.  She may turn out to be just like me.  A sunshine girl not impressed with cold weather and snow, desiring a warmer climate. But I heard on the news the other day that people in tropical climates have a shorter average lifespan by 7 years from various environmental factors.  Check back with me in a month to see if I care about having my life stretched out by 7 years after a few weeks of Minnesota winter.


  1. Good to hear from you again. Enjoying your observations. JVH

  2. I'm so glad you decided to keep going with your blog. It is interesting reading about all of your adventures since you left our town. Keep it up, Lisa!!!

  3. Just a note to let you know I've heard a lot of positive feedback on the Monday, Nov. 12 World Vision blog. Thanks for letting me use it in the Pioneer. Anxious to get back there and see how the new duplex is shaping up. Thanks again. JVH
