Saturday, January 12, 2013

Not Exactly Important News

  • This is a slightly old picture, but my poor little camera battery has died- for reals.  We are in the midst of deciding whether to buy a new battery or a new camera.  Life's big decisions.  But, as you know, I find it bloggily offensive to write a post with no photo.
  • It's currently 8 degrees with a windchill factor of -22.  Do I have to say out loud that I won't be leaving the house today?  If anyone comes to the door I will stand about 30 back and shout COME IN!!!  without getting near the porthole of unforgiving freeze.  A couple days from now the forecast calls for -27 without a windchill.  My ultimate hell.  (Which seems ironic as hell would indicate warmth.)  It does look pretty from inside though. All blue skies and undisturbed white snow all around.    
  • We had a documentary film crew at the Angle last weekend.  Big news right?  It sounds like they didn't have an actual story in mind, but had heard about the place and couldn't refuse a visit.  They interviewed some people around the community, including other resorts and businesses and Big Rick's parents Charles and Hazel.  They owned a resort up here for years, a very thriving and busy place with plenty of great stories.  I was not involved in any chat with the film crew, thank goodness.  A written article would be more my style.  I tend to speak before I think and would have to have a few take-backs, which would never work on film.  But the rest of the family got a bit of interviewing.  Maybe they will find the McKeever charm irresistible.  Or maybe they will find us a total train wreck and find that worth documenting.  
  • Tomorrow I start a little waitressing gig at  Jerry's.  I wouldn't mind a little extra cash in my pocket and there are so many people at the Angle that I still haven't met.  What better way to accomplish both of these goals than to spend some time at the hub of our area and get paid for it. I really don't know what possessed me to do it, but it's on now.  I've never waitressed before and could be quite horrible at it, embarrassing the family and myself.  My hope is that the fisherman will all have imbibed enough whiskey during their day of fishing and won't realize how perfectly awful I am at serving food.  The downfall to this venture is that I will have to leave the house.  So far I haven't found a way around that, but I'm working on it.
  • We've had quite a few guests since Christmas.  So Jenny and I have been back to cleaning cabins after a bit of  hiatus.  While the break was nice, it's also good to be back at work and having a change of scenery.  The kids and I have been getting out for a few walks here and there, but otherwise have stayed in out of the cold.  
  • Pat and Rick got me a sewing machine for Christmas and I have started my first project, curtains for Andie's room.  This means I'm underway to my fitting in around here.  I did a little canning with our friend Sue before the snow came so actually I've got 2 Angle activities under my belt now.  Still on the list: bird watching and animal poop identification.
  • I don't know if anyone remembers, but sometime last year I mentioned that was still wearing make-up and doing my hair to go clean cabins, in spite of the fact that Jenny and my husband were the only people I would see in a day.  I promised to update my vanity and forgot all about it.  The update is that I still do it.  I even wear make-up to go on a snowshoe through the woods.  I can't help it and I don't see it changing.  So there.
  • Sometime in the near future I'll get out for some ice-fishing.  This is my year to hit the big one.  I can feel it.  Walleye beware!


  1. How was the first day ay Jerry's? What did you can? I can't believe you didn't tell me about that. I am very impressed with the sewing!

  2. Jerry's was fun. The cook that I didn't know didn't show up, so Nikki stayed and worked a 14 hour day just to help me out. She was a gift from God! I was so nervous in the first place, but thinking about working with someone I didn't know was making it worse. It was a terribly slow night and I only had 2 tables the entire shift. (I heard there were 40 people in there all at once last night--another gift from God that I missed that!) I think a couple more shifts with a few more tables and I'll be good to go. I am my own worst enemy--as usual-- and imagine the worst for myself. Just needc some experience under my belt. $15 in tips, not bad at all.
    Susan and I canned carrots. She does all kinds of good stuff though. Rick and I have big plans for our canning this year.

  3. I'm with you and the make up thing Lisa! Don't change!! :)

  4. Thanks for writing. I would have loved to have been there to hear some of the stories that Charles told the folks doing the documentary. The editors back East should have a fun couple of days.

    That's great you're at Jerry's. It's a good way to meet more Angle people and surely will provide us with some interesting tales. You'll do great. JVH
