Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blogs of Yore

It got down to -28 last night. There is frost inside my house. Not even on a window, it's on a wall! I haven't left the house since Monday and they will declare me an official shut-in if I don't leave the house soon. Must be brave and leave home to go to town tomorrow. Jenny and I are getting our hair cut and doing the grocery shopping. Watch out Warroad, cabin girls on the loose!

I hope you can read this newspaper article. I had to scan it in and my talents in scanning leave something to be desired. Warroad is a rural area with lots of farmland and townships surrounding it. No big cities around here or through Canada when you are driving to the Angle. In fact, Sprague is the only town in Canada that you will pass through on the voyage north. I would compare Sprague to Monitor--for those of you back at home in WA. (Last week when I came through Sprague, someone was having a garage sale. It was 1 degree. I'm telling myself they owe some money to thier bookie. Otherwise it leaves the feeling that the summer isn't warm enough to make it worth waiting to have your yardsale then, and that is no good for me.) So Moranville is a township by Warroad and this lady writes an article about it for the Warroad newspaper. I love that this is actually printed up and people read it. It's a "blog", probably started years ago. It's really just chitchat about who did what this week, right down to what they ate. I love that she doesn't even print her first name, just Mrs. Alfred H. ( The last names are there but I blacked them out. I don't need a lawsuit for some kind of public harassment in the township of Moranville. What would Grandma Norma say!) My question is does she get paid for this idle chatter and where do I sign up?! If you have read a single post of mine, you know I have the gift of random gab. Please no hate-mail from the Mrs. Alfred family. It's a lovely column, it really is.

In case you can't read it, or it's giving you a migraine, an example of one paragraph reads: Frank and LaVonne were afternoon visitors of Melvin and Joyce last Friday afternoon and she had brought banana bread to share.


  1. do they have anyone to write the police blotter? I think it could be quite good around your parts. "elderly couple invites giant wolves in for tea and pie and get mauled."
    ps - i comment on your posts. you comment on mine now. do it. i don't care if you don't like what i write.

  2. I love that, my dad is from a small town about 6 hours south of here. They have the same type of column in their newspaper called "Hometown Happenings".

  3. That was hysterical - just like in my books I read about small -town folk. I just didn't know it really existed!

  4. Do you know that your mother-in-law is a second cousin to the husband of the editor of the Warroad Pioneer?
