Monday, January 16, 2012

Some Random Stuff for Today

This is the first thing I saw when I walked into Cabin 2 today. Sweet deal, right?! There was also a bloody pillowcase, but I didn't feel quite the same about that.

Then the motherload in Cabin 4! Booze, coffee, shampoo, milk and money. What more could you ask for? Perks of the job. I have to say I drank on the job for the second time in my life. (I once had a margarita with a coworker, years ago. She still works there so I won't rat her out. You know who you are you naughty thing.) We just had 1 beer to celebrate our loot. You would too.

So this is how you pass the word to invite people to events up here. This is the border phone at Jim's corner and you can see the two signs hanging on the door. The first is advertising a progressive dinner in February. The second is an invitation to a "ladies luncheon" this weekend. That tells you how small this place is. You can put up a sign at a high traffic area and still know everyone that attends and not worry about some band of riffraff messing it up.

Brian and Jenny put up an invitation to thier wedding at the dump. That sight must be saved for more formal events that you want to advertise. This is something I love about this place.

A few weeks ago Big Rick built a birdhouse for us and it sits in view of our kitchen table. We have not had one bird until the neighbor went south for the winter. Apparently these birds were loyal until the food ran out. I have never liked birds, but I must say it's kind of fun to watch them interact.

Everyone up here seems to have a bird feeder and a deer feeder. We have had hoof prints around our bird feeder, so perhaps our deer are confused as to why there are no deer friendly handouts at this specific house. I wonder what would happen if I left a case of beer sitting outside my window. Would there soon be a flock of Minnesotans pecking around in my yard?


  1. In addition to the beer, you should put out some lattes. Think of the cross-section of visitors you would get! BTW: watch out for the birds up there. Big Rick and Patti will probably say I am exaggerating, but after knocking down their nests, I SWEAR the barn swallows have watched Hitchcock's "The Birds" and formulated a plan of revenge against all nest knockers. If you have not seen that movie, better to not.
    Also, it is helpful to put a bucket on your head when nest knocking. Not only does it keep nest bits out of your hair and prevent the birds from identifying you, when they swoop angrily they cannot peck your head. (yes, I did. No, I feel no bucket shame

  2. Have you not shared your bird phobia with the McKeever clan?
